About Us


Your Automation
Dream Team

We provide expert human insight and skills to help you achieve critical goals and shape your digital future effectively.

Three pillers of Increments Inc.

Expect tangible outcomes, not just reports or source code, but real, measurable results that advance your objectives.
You're entitled to a partner who not only challenges the norm but also builds with a focus on results, redefining the benchmarks of what's achievable in your industry.
Working together, we'll shape your future, instead of avoiding it, in a collaborative and proactive partnership.

We Believe That...

Taking courageous steps amidst uncertainty is what shapes the future.

True leadership involves the bravery to embrace change and the flexibility to adapt.

Both the journey and the destination hold equal importance.

Right actions may not be the easiest, but they're always valuable.

The human element

What's our secret? Great people.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec ac enim ante. Aliquam eu congue justo, in varius diam fusce tellus.

Dream Team.

Learn about the expert leaders at Increments Inc.

MSI Shamim

Founder and CEO

Asrafat Ahamed

General Manager

Mehadi Hasan

Project Manager

Mahfuzur Rahman

Business Development Manager

Salman Mahmud

Digital Sales Manager

Soma Rahman

Sales and Marketing Manager

Sunjida Habib

Operation Manager

Practically Driven Innovation

Our expert team excels in diverse areas like business strategy, data science, user-centric design, and full-spectrum engineering. We’re united by a singular ambition: ensuring your triumph in the rapidly evolving digital age.

More Effort

Fueled by Curiosity

Our commitment goes beyond the norm, driven by a deep-seated curiosity and a sincere passion for aiding our clients. We are relentlessly dedicated to your needs, delving deep to discover key insights and develop digital products that resonate. Our clients can attest to our genuine investment in their success, mirroring their own dedication.

Out of the Box

Proactive and Decisive

Our approach is to swiftly engage with challenges, make well-informed choices, and implement them with focused discipline. We strive for highly efficient solutions, balancing this with a commitment to absolute transparency.


Year we were founded


Monthly active users


Members in our remote team


Countries using our products

Our approach

Results oriented

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec ac enim ante. Aliquam eu congue justo, in varius diam fusce tellus.

Our values


Aliquam mollis quam sed mattis sodales. Morbi accumsan posuere iaculis. Donec a scelerisque magna.


Suspendisse sagittis vel lacinia. Integer sit amet ante elit. Praesent pulvinar congue risus, in tristique.


Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu.


Suspendisse sagittis vel lacinia. Integer sit amet ante elit. Praesent pulvinar congue risus, in tristique.


Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu.


Aliquam mollis quam sed mattis sodales. Morbi accumsan posuere iaculis. Donec a scelerisque magna.

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